The best method to create high-quality Twitter threads using AI

My 3-step tutorial

Hey Warrior,

Have you ever tried using ChatGPT or Claude to write social posts?

Chances are you have, but realized that they’re pretty cringe and then stopped doing it.

Well today I'm going to share a simple 3-step process how you can create Twitter threads using AI, that don’t suck.

I’ve been testing a bunch of different methods and this is the one method that I have found to produce the best results.

When you implement this system, you’ll instantly save 50-80% of your time creating content.

Ready? Here’s our game plan:

  • Step 1: Find the perfect Twitter thread to copy and turn into a template

  • Step 2: Craft an effective prompt

  • Step 3: Generate and refine your AI-assisted thread

Let's jump in!

Read time: 5 minutes

Step 1: Find the perfect Twitter thread to copy and turn into a template

The first step is to browse and find a Twitter thread that you like.

You want to look for something that has proven to be successful (over 100k impressions) but would also go well with a new topic.

You can do this search yourself on Twitter by just browsing profiles of popular creators and picking the threads you like.

I’ve already been doing exactly this throughout the past year and have saved the best threads inside of the AI Growth Kit (Btw I’ll be closing the pre-orders this weekend to start preparing for the official launch).

When you have found a thread you like, you’ll want to turn it into a template next so that you can reuse it for a different topic.

To demonstrate with an example, I’ve found this thread that I’ll be using:

The first thing I did was to take the thread and create a reusable template from it. Then I saved it in my library.

Ok, now we’re all set to get into the AI part of this tutorial…

Step 2: Craft an effective prompt

Now that you have your template, it's time to write your prompt.

A good prompt for this use case should include:

  • Instructions: This part should explain what the AI should do and have some guidelines for the writing style

  • Template: A space to insert the template we just created

  • New topic: A section to insert the new topic or context of your new thread

Here's the exact prompt I use when generating a Twitter thread with this method (for other types of content I modify this prompt):

Given the below INPUT and TWITTER TEMPLATE, please write a new text by filling the variables in the TWITTER TEMPLATE using the INPUT context.

Your goal is to follow the TWITTER TEMPLATE. But, you can make minor adaptations to the template for the context.

Very important: Every tweet must be less than 280 characters.

Avoid puffery writing at all cost. 

Avoid exaggerated words like "game-changing, unlock, master, skyrocket etc".


{Input the template here}



{Input the topic here}


Now copy this prompt into your AI of choice. (Currently the best one for these tasks is Claude 3 Opus, but this might change if you’re reading this tutorial in a few months from now.)

Then paste in the template from step 1.

Next, it’s important to fill out the input for your new topic.

If you don’t add a lot of input, Claude might still do a decent job but it will tend to fill it out with content that’s too generic.

So the more context you add from your own field of expertise here, the more substance your thread will have.

In my case I added this:

As you can see, I’ve defined the new topic of the thread to be: “Pre-selling a digital product before creating it”.

And I’ve also specified which 7 steps I would follow, since I know that this thread template follows a 7-step structure.

Step 3: Generate and Refine Your Thread

Ok, now with everything in place, we’ll let the AI generate our thread draft.

You can right off the bat see how amazing this already is.

This is 10x better than any other method or tool out there.

The first draft is already really good. But if you want to make it even better, take some time to:

  • Make any necessary adjustments to content or formatting

  • Add some personal anecdotes or insights to add more substance and reduce generic sounding content

And here’s the final result of this example, which I published as a tweet this week:

Now just to prove to you how much better this method is than the standard way…

I’ll use a simple prompt, with the same context about pre-selling your product that I used in the previous prompt:

Write a Twitter thread about the following topic. (Every tweet must be under 280 characters.)


Don't spend months building your digital product.

Pre-sell your product before you create it.

Follow these 7 steps:

-Start with a hypothesis for a problem (this could be based on questions that have been asked, or comments that you have seen)
-Call 3-5 friends or supporters and validate if they have this problem
-build a landing page
-launch as a pre-order. price it at least 50% less. if you make more than 10 sales thats a good sign. if less then refine the positioning or start with a new hypothesis
-send email to pre-orderers and get them to do a short call with you. validate more. get feedback on v1 of your product. improve it
-launch final product

And here is the output this gave me:

So if you compare these two results, you’ll see that the method using templates gives you far better results.

Wrapping Up

In this tutorial, we covered a simple 3-step process for creating awesome Twitter threads using AI:

  1. Find a Twitter thread and turn it into a template that works for your new topic

  2. Craft a clear and effective AI prompt

  3. Generate your draft and make some final manual adjustments

If you follow this method you can create high-quality content in half the time.

And the best thing is, this method can be used with all types of content, not just Twitter threads.

Thanks for reading!

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P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are two ways I can help you:

  1. Get your product in front of 20,000+ solopreneurs, business owners and professionals. Sponsor this newsletter here.

  2. You’re a maker, content creator or solopreneur and want to accelerate your product growth? Pre-order my AI Growth Kit here.


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